CBAM obliges companies that import emission-intensive goods into the EU to purchase CBAM emission certificates. The aim is to compensate for the difference between the CO2 price paid in the country of origin and the higher price in the EU emissions trading system. It applies to electricity, cement, aluminium, fertilisers, hydrogen, iron and steel.
EU Importeur
Check whether imported goods are affected by CBAM by comparing CN codes with Annex 1 of the CBAM Regulation
Registration for the CBAM Transition Register via the NCA (National CBAM Competent Authority) to submit quarterly CBAM reportsNCA
Preparation of CBAM reports in the transition phase using the CN codes and the default values in Annex 1 of the CBAM Regulation. Simultaneous preparation for requests from suppliers for their embedded emissions
Request emissions data from non-European suppliers and use the official Excel template
Quarterly submission of CBAM reports on the transition system
Non EU-Exporteur
Definition of the system boundaries in connection with the production processes
Determination of the relevant parameters and methods and subsequent implementation of monitoring
Allocation of emissions to production processes and goods
Adding the specific embedded emissions of relevant precursors
Determination of the specific embedded emissions of CBAM goods (CN codes)